Long Furlong Primary School

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Extra-Curricular Activities 


We have an extensive range of very well attended extra-curricular activities available. We welcome adult support in this area, or suggestions from either parents/carers or children regarding other clubs they think might be enjoyable.


We have visiting instrumental teachers who offer tuition on a fee-paying basis; these currently include violin, cello and piano. Children are offered regular opportunities to share their musical skills with their peers and the extended school community by means of special music assemblies, performances at a variety of school events e.g. Christmas Bazaar, Summer Fete and shows like ‘Long Furlong’s Got Talent’.  Parent volunteers run an after-school choir which has had excellent uptake, and has made a number of public performances.  In March 2018 Long Furlong took part, for the first time, in the Voice in a Million concert at the SSE Arena, Wembley; this was followed by the Young Voices event in Birmingham.


Sporting opportunities are available through PE lessons (which, for the Junior children, includes swimming sessions), after-school clubs run by staff and visiting coaches. We also regularly compete against other schools in a diverse range of sporting activities. In recent years we have competed in local/regional tournaments in football, tag rugby, table tennis, netball, cross country, athletics, tri-golf, cricket and tennis; the school holds the Sainsbury’s School Games Silver Award. We believe that by offering such an extensive range of sporting activities we can involve the greatest number of children in competitive physical activity.

Environmental and Outdoor Education

All children, including those in the Foundation stage (Nursery and Reception), undertake a number of day or part day visits through the school year linked to their curriculum studies. Years 3 and 4 have a short residential stay at an outdoor centre and the Year 6 children spend a week at an outdoor activity centre.

We also have a wildlife area within the school grounds which is regularly used by the younger children in particular for environmental studies.